Expertises > Fund > Research Tax Credit (RTC)

Research Tax Credit (RTC)


R&D expenditure declared by companies for the Research Tax Credit (RTC) amounted to €25.5 billion, representing 73% of total business R&D expenditure. 82% of claimers are SMEs. 


ABGi experts work to identify and justify1.2 billion RTC


As a complex and highly controlled system, the Research Tax Credit requires the intervention of specialist consultants to optimise declared expenditure while ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory texts. Our consultants also prepare supporting documentation that will stand up in the event of an audit. 


Eligibility criteria 

  • novelty 
  • Creativity 
  • Uncertainties 
  • Reproducibility 
  • Systematic 


Types of expenditure 

  • personnel costs 
  • Depreciation and amortisation 
  • R&D services 
  • Technology watch 
  • Patent expenditure 
  • Standardisation 


ABGi France - Communauté des experts



We ensure that technical and financial analysis are complete, maximising RTC and ensuring alignment with your project portfolio maturity. 



We will defend your case until all appeals have been exhausted in the event of Tax audit. 



Our risk-based approach gives you a clear view of each project’s issues, risks and costs, so you can make better decisions. 



To help you manage your contract with no surprises, we provide a range of simple, effective and customisable reporting tools. 

Our added value 





Managing assignments with a dual objective: accelerating innovation and optimising the ROI of the innovation function.


Multidisciplinary team  


A combination of strategic, scientific, financial, legal and marketing skills. 





Develop expertise by business area. Capitalise on best practice. 


Project management 


Know-how to get all the players involved in these strategic studies and maximise the collective effort. 

Focus on the Collaborative Research Tax Credit (CICo) 

The new tax credit for collaborative research 


Finance Act 2022 created the Collaborative Research Tax Credit to encourage companies to undertake R&D work as part of research collaborations with research and knowledge dissemination organisations. 


Its main objective is to incentivise companies to undertake R&D activities as part of collaborative research. The scheme will be in force from 1 January 2022. 



The CICo allows a tax credit of 40% of R&D expenditure incurred, up to a maximum of €6 million of declared expenditure, for companies engaged in industrial and commercial activities. This rate increases to 50% for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as defined by the EU. There is an upper limit of €2 million for the tax credit.  


The CICo is considered to be the little brother of the RTC – it is an extension of the RTC and eligible projects meet the same criteria. 

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