Expertises > Structure > Innovation Management System (IMS)

Supporting the development of your company’s Innovation Management System


In the modern business landscape, innovation is the engine of prosperity that drives flexible and adaptable organisations to success. At ABGi, we use ISO 56000 standards to structure our Innovation Management System (IMS) to guide organisations towards this resilience. 

Our support package introduces you to these dynamics through the Year of Innovation® business game. We then create a bespoke strategic roadmap for your organisation, complete with KPIs and precise deadlines, based on the lessons learned. 



What is the Innovation Management System (IMS)? 


It is a well-known challenge to have lots of good ideas and not be able to implement them. It is therefore important to note that generating ideas does not necessarily guarantee innovation. So it’s important to understand the key to success is the ability to manage innovation in a proactive way. 


The compass of any innovative company is the Innovation Management System (IMS). It is an organised framework that directs and harmonises innovation activities, using proven processes and practices. 


AFNOR defines innovation management as follows “All the coordinated actions and decisions taken by an organisation or a group of organisations in interaction with its ecosystem to promote the emergence of its innovation projects and bring them to fruition”. 


SMIs focus on creating a supportive environment, fostering creativity and managing innovative resources and projects efficiently. In addition, the system aims to align innovation with the strategic goals of the organisation. Thus, an effective way for companies to systematically innovate is to implement an innovation management system. 


Stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace. Identify new growth opportunities and create more value for your customers and stakeholders. 

Innovation is not a “flash of genius”. It is hard work. And this work should be organized as a regular part of every unit within the enterprise, and of every level of management.

Peter Drucker

What are the benefits? 


Ensures that innovation

is aligned with the

company’s strategy. 


Standardises and optimises

innovation processes,

reducing costs and lead times. 


Boosting the innovation culture

and reinforcing

internal/external synergy.


Minimises the risks associated

with innovation

(such as unprofitable investment).


Gives you a significant

head start in the

competitive landscape.

Our Innovation Management System support offer 


Our service, based on a Learning by Doing methodology, consists of three phases in the form of interactive workshops. It is also designed to optimise your innovation management system (IMS) using ISO 56002 standards. 

These phases are part of an overall approach to innovation, with the emphasis on learning from experience and the practical application of innovation management principles. With this in mind, we actively support your company in its transformation process by introducing and cultivating a culture of innovation within your teams. 

The ABGi approach is based on three fundamental stages: LEARNING for an in-depth understanding. PLANNING for strategic planning, and DOING for effective implementation. 


In the first phase, participants are introduced to the dynamics of innovation management through the use of the “Year of Innovation®” serious game. 


This interactive workshop, based on the ISO 56002 standard, exposes participants to the challenges of innovation in a business context. After introducing and forming teams, each group participates in a strategic session lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours. 

The workshop then ends with a debriefing session. This allows participants to draw a connection between the game and the reality of innovation, and to identify actions to improve their innovation management system. 


This ensures that all those involved share a common vision and are aligned on the objectives to be achieved. 

Once the foundations have been laid, our collaboration enters the essential planning phase. 


Together, we analyse your current innovation management system and focus on defining an innovation strategy that is aligned with your global objectives. We identify your opportunities and prioritise improvements using a collaborative approach. Simultaneously, we define SMART objectives for each action. 


Next, we create a strategic roadmap tailored to your business. This covers both strategic and operational aspects. This includes both strategic and operational aspects, and considers how you operate. 


This stage ensures that your approach to innovation is structured, measurable and in line with the overall vision of your organisation. 

Practical implementation is the final stage of our support. 

Having established a solid strategy and shared vision, we move on to implementing what you have decided to innovate. Based on proven innovation methodologies and tools, this phase mobilises both your operational teams and support functions to ensure smooth execution. 


Manage resources and monitor progress against defined key performance indicators to ensure your project is getting better all the time. 

In addition, plans are adjusted in an agile manner based on feedback and results, ensuring that each initiative is not only executed efficiently, but delivers tangible, measurable results. 


Throughout this crucial phase, ABGi will provide ongoing, personalised support to ensure that your innovation process is both structured and flexible, able to adapt to the challenges and opportunities that arise along the way. 

To find out how we can help you unlock the innovative potential of your business, contact us.