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Innovation Fund

Would you like to invest in the Innovation Fund? 

Make an appointment with one of our experts !

To meet today’s energy challenges and achieve climate neutrality by 2050, we need to accelerate the energy transition in our economy. Against this background, the Innovation Fund, a European programme, has positioned itself as a key driver in supporting innovative carbon-neutral technologies. Its main objective is to facilitate the commercialisation of industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe, thus facilitating the transition to carbon neutrality while strengthening competitiveness. 

The Innovation Fund offers significant funding opportunities if you have an innovative industrial decarbonisation project. ABGi France Absiskey offers customised support to help you maximise the chances of succeeding in obtaining funding from the Innovation Fund. 


What is the Innovation Fund? 


The Innovation Fund is one of the largest decarbonisation funding programmes. It targets highly innovative clean technologies. It aims to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Projects supported by the Innovation Fund cover a wide range of technologies in a variety of sectors, including energy-using industry, renewable energy, energy storage, hydrogen, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, mobility (marine, air) and construction. 


The Innovation Fund is managed by the European Commission, assisted by the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA). Grants will be awarded through calls for projects for projects of different sizes, ranging from €2.5 to €20 million investment for smaller projects to over €100 million investment for large projects. 


With an estimated total budget of € 38 billion for the period 2020-2030, the Innovation Fund will allow you to benefit from a funding rate of up to 60% of the CAPEX. The final Call for Proposals, to be launched on 23 November 2023, offers a total budget of €4 billion (deadline to apply: 09 April 2024). 

Innovation Fund

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Innovation Fund selection criteria 


The selection criteria of the Innovation Fund are very precise and need special care. The quality of the proposal is crucial and should be based on the following selection criteria in order to maximise your chances of participating in this competitive programme: 

  • Avoiding GHG emissions 
  • The degree of innovation 
  • Project maturity 
  • Replicability 
  • Cost efficiency 



The deadline for applications is 09 April 2024. Don’t wait to get help. 

Why choose ABGi France? 

ABGi France can help you to maximise your chances of succeeding. Based on our many successes in the last AAP (Call for Projects) under this scheme, our experts will help you: 

Managing the project set-up and preparing the application file 

Writing a winning dossier 

Choosing the right CO2 reduction assumptions 

Respecting long-term objectives